07 July 2011


This day, 7th July 2011, is a great day. Why? Yeah, it's my sis' birthday :D She is 25 now, pretty old huh? And as you know, she does not even tell the others about her boyfriend until know, but it's okay. We (my dad, mom, sis, and me ) celebrate my sis' birthday at Moro Lejar.

Actually, the great moment was not the birthday party itself, but the chit-chat that we made. After having enough dinner, my dad was starting to tell us his struggles to reach his dreams, his life. He told us about getting into school, that had a lot of "obstacles" like wrong day of test, wrong time at the day of test, haha what a cool story. There, my sis and dad told us their story, while my mom and I listened nicely hehe :)

After we had our dinner, we continued our conversation in the car. Inside it we told our memories at elementary, ahaha it was so nice :) A lot of story that flooding the car. We laughed loudly there, because there were a lot of funny incidents back day. In that full AC car, I felt a warm energy flowed through my body and mind. Yeah, I mean it.

Thanks God for giving me this great family and life. And for my sister, happy 25th birthday! Wish you all the best, be better, give your smiles to the world :) Hope that my sister read this :p

06 July 2011

Workshop "Job Seeker, Job Creator"

Menurut Kompas, Februari 2011 mencapai 119,4 juta orang atau bertambah sekitar 2,9 juta orang dibanding angkatan kerja Agustus 2010.  Sedangkan daya serap pasar tenaga kerja hingga data ini keluar hanya 470.000. Artinya dari 2,9 juta jiwa yang ada, 470 ribu terserap dan sebanyak 2.430.000 orang positif menjadi pengangguran.

Jika variabel 2.430.000 itu tetap setiap tahun dan tahun 2011 ini sudah ada 119,4 juta jiwa pengangguran. Artinya tahun 2015, jumlah pengangguran akan menjadi 129.120.000.

Bagaimana dengan kita ? akankah kita menjadi 1 dari 119,4 juta yang mencari kerja, ataukah menjadi 1 yang menerima kerja 119,4 juta jiwa ?

Temukan solusi dari kebimbangan anda di seminar 
yang akan membahas tentang :

Pembicara : Konsultan HRD
Materi :
1. Sistem seleksi calon pekerja di suatu perusahaan.
2. Tips-tips mengikuti tes Wawancara ataupun penyusunan sebuah CV dan Lamaran Pekerjaan
3. Pengetahuan tentang alasan penyebab ditolaknya Cover Letter maupun CV.
4. Garis besar dan kode etik dunia profesionalitas.

Pembicara : Pengusaha Binaan Komisaris Danone, usia 26 tahun
Materi :
5. Trik memulai bisnis bermodal minim, untuk para wisudawan
6. Trik membudayakan kreativitas menjadi sebuah lahan usaha
7. Tips menerima pekerja yang baik dari sudut pandang pengusaha
8. Tips membuat perencanaan business bagi pemula

Info lebih lanjut, temukan di sini

11 February 2011

Being friendly

Okay, here I go! This is my third post (second actually). I gonna share my opinion about advantages for being friendly. Well, I have this idea from my last event that i had joined. You know that being friendly is actually needed some guts to interact to each other. Yes, i thank God because i have that guts, too much guts i think, so i can easily throw some joke on my friends, but in "safe-area" of course.

Last week, HMEI got a work to do an event and I got into it. There I worked with seniors. Previous days, i don't know how are the characters of seniors. As a junior i act as them, just as their buddy, ridicule someone, haha. But don't think that i don't respect them, it's just a(my) way to be close to them. And you know what? It works actually. Yeah, it is so fun to be close to them. As days passed, I started to know their behaviours. So, i started to give each of them different behaviours too. And then we start to know each other.

I'm sure that some of this blog reader get less guts to be go-up-to-surface. So don't be afraid to start a "connection" to someone. Because that connection will connect us to another connections that makes you connects to another better connections so you will be connected to the best connection and you will get confused because of that connections,right? No of course. That's not the real conclusion. Those relationships will support our activities, works, anything.

Yeah i'd say it is a good idea to be friendly because we will ease our social relationship, our works,our life :)

06 February 2011

"Baik vs Buruk" VS "Umum vs Beda"

Yeeeay! Akhirnya dapet ide untuk buat artikel di blog kesayangan kita semua, purisha.blogspot.com ( promosi seperti yang dilakukan oleh teman saya yang kebetulan blognya sangat fenomenal yang konon dulu bernama arcom.tk, namun sekarang secara misterius blog itu hilang tidak-tak-berjejak) sorry phis :D Okay tidak usah berlama-lama berhubungan dengan blog misterius itu, mari membahas judul di atas yang banyak "VS" nya. Mari kita pilah semua kata dalam judul (dengan sumsi sifat perbuatan)
1. Apakah yang disebut dengan baik?

27 January 2011


Hi, i will start over this blogging thing from the beginning, because it had a lack of eye-catching-layout before

Yang terhormat,para pembaca, yang tersayang, para pembaca, dan yang terakhir yang tercinta, para pembaca,
Assalamu'alaykum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Pertama-tama saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada Allah SWT atas limpahan rahmat berkat hidayah dan rezeki-Nya, kita dapat berkumpul secara tidak langsung dalam keadaan sehat wal'afiat. Ya kedua saya ucapkan terimakasih kepada blogger atas fasilitas yang diberikan berupa media nulis gratis untuk berbagi. Dan juga saya ucapkan terima kasih pada teman-teman yang rajin update blog sehingga saya jadi ingin blogging lagi.

Di dalam blog ini, hadirin dapat mendapatkan informasi mulai dari update cerita dari saya, update berita tentang saya, sampai update kehidupan saya. Saya sok ngartis? Tidak usah khawatir karena itu semua adalah kedustaan tingkat-akhir, ngapain juga saya update tentang diri sendiri, emangnya gak ada kerjaan selain update status gak penting? hahaha *dikejar kejar  facebookers twitterers ngilers mlungkers yang tersindir* Peace brooo, sis :D

Saya mencoba untuk berbagi kebaikan melalui blog ini, entah itu berbentuk hal yang menyenangkan, biasa aja, membosankan, menyebalkan, menyebahkan, merebahkan, melebaykan, menjijikkan, me....kan, me....kan, dkk.  Don't look from the cover but don't forget to look on your face, yang artinya "Jangan melihat sesuatu dari luarnya, kecuali mukamu ganteng ". Enggak nyambung kan? Emang pembacanya pada insane, mau maunya baca beginian -.-".

Oooookay, that's all for now.

Last words : HAPPY BLOGGING :)

Wassalamu'alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh